Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Associate Editor at the Journal of Criminal Justice and Law
Richard J. Stringer, Ph.D.
This page presents my research interests and education. My research interests revolve largely around drug and alcohol policy in the U.S. However, I also have research interests in other areas such as Courts and Sentencing, Policing, & Advanced Quantitative Methods.
My most recent drunk driving research has been funded by the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and I have also explored other areas of research such as sentencing inequality, marijuana legalization, traffic safety, alcohol outlets, and juvenile justice for example. You can also view my full Curriculum Vitae below.
Courts and Sentencing
Ph.D., Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2018
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Dissertation: Policing the Drinking Community: A Propensity Score Matched, Multilevel Assessment of the War on Drunk Driving (1985-2014)
Randy Gainey (Chair), Ruth Triplett, and Bryan Porter
Comprehensive Exam Areas:
Advanced Quantitative Methods
Policy & Inequality
Criminological Theory

Drug and Alcohol Policy
Police Decision-Making
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Advanced Quantitative Methods
M.A., Sociology, 2013
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Thesis Title: Reefer Madness to Marijuana Legalization: Media Exposure and American Attitudes Towards Marijuana (1975-2010)
Scott Maggard (Chair), Randy Gainey, and Travis Linnemann
B.A., Criminal Justice/Public Law, 2011 (Summa cum Laude)
Departmental Honors in Criminal Justice
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Capstone Research Project: Alcohol Consumption and Academic Performance at Old Dominion University